Maisha Begum

Maisha Begum

Councillor, London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Councillor Maisha Begum, hailing from the vibrant east end of London, is a dynamic and forward-thinking individual with a strong determination to foster engagement on a multi-lateral level, surpassing the confines of the local forum. Her involvement with Delta Phi Epsilon has laid the groundwork for building a robust network of positive experiences and challenging opportunities for young people, particularly girls, through an international lens.

She holds a Masters in International Politics from the London School of Economics (LSE), where she explored women empowerment models.

Councillor Begum passionately seeks to shatter stereotypes and transcend boundaries, amplifying and empowering women while advocating for boundless ambitions. Moreover, she ardently addresses racial inequality and collaborates with trade unions, such as the GMB, to effect meaningful change.

Her professional background spans across various sectors, including NGOs, the financial industry, and governmental institutions. Her extensive experience equips her with a broad perspective and a keen understanding of diverse dynamics.

Since her election as a councillor for the London Borough of Tower Hamlets in 2022, Councillor Begum has made a significant impact in shaping policies. Her unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability ensures that these vital aspects are upheld at every stage of the decision-making process.

Notably, as the youngest councillor in the borough, she brings renewed and valuable expertise to areas such as Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), where strong engagement has been lacking.

Demonstrating her dedication to community safety, Councillor Begum has effectively collaborated with the SNT (Safer Neighbourhood Team) to implement female safety walks in her ward. By actively engaging with residents, she strives to create a secure and inclusive environment for all.